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Many of these appeared originally in Mission Frontiers.
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- Your local print shop may be able to print and fold the “regular” PDF file as a stapled booklet.
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- Print double-sided.
- Select “short edge binding.”
- Set the margins to zero, or select paper size “Letter Bleed.”
Available articles (more coming):
- The 31 Largest Frontier People Groups (July 2018)
- The 31 Largest Frontier People Groups Booklet (May 2018)
A guide to praying for the largest people groups with fewer than 0.1% Christians (of all types).
- Astonishing Progress (Aug 2018 rev)
- Astonishing Progress Booklet (Aug 2018 rev)
God has been quietly answering prayers for the unreached through multiplying movements of new disciples in rapidly reproducing small churches.
- Movements in every People: How Peoples become Reached (Mar 2018)
- Movements in every People: How Peoples become Reached Booklet (Mar 2018)
An adaptation of Donald McGavran’s 1981 article in the Perspectives Reader, detailing how movements are central to reaching unreached peoples, and how common church planting hinder such movements. First published as an article it the Mar/Apr 2018 issue of Mission Frontiers.
- A Church in Every People: Plain Talk about a Difficult Subject (1981, Annotated Mar 2018)
- A Church in Every People … Booklet (1981, Annotated Mar 2018)
Written for the Perspectives Reader in 1981, this article still serves as the lead article for what is now Lesson 14 of the Perspectives course. Here McGavran details how movements are central to reaching unreached peoples, and how common church planting hinder such movements. First published as an article it the Mar/Apr 2018 issue of Mission Frontiers.
Movements from One Indian Perspective (May 2011)
- Movements from One Indian Perspective Booklet (May 2011)
A detailed report on one movement approach that is bearing massive fruit through multiplying movements all over India, and into many other countries.
- Samuel Zwemer’s “The Glory of the Impossible” (1911)
- Samuel Zwemer’s “The Glory of the Impossible” (1911) Booklet (1911)
From a publication of the Student Volunteer Movement.
Ralph Winter (May 2009)
- Ralph Winter Booklet (May 2009)
A tribute to my friend and primary mentor.
- Jim Downing (Mar 2018)
- Jim Downing Booklet (Mar 2018)
A tribute to another great friend and mentor (for the May/Jun 2018 Mission Frontiers).
- Jim Downing’s Rebirth Story (Mar 2018)
- Jim Downing’s Rebirth Story Flyer (Mar 2018, print and cut)
The core of Jim’s transformation.
- Jim Downing’s Model for a Discipling Movement Residency (Mar 2018)
- Jim Downing’s Model for a Discipling Movement Residency Booklet (Mar 2018, print and cut)
Lessons from Jim’s experience launching a Discipling Movement Residency.