This is one portion of the Movement Resources listed on this site.
Jan/Feb: Are You In? 24:14 The Coalition to Foster Movements in All Peoples by 20252017
- May/Jun: The Zume Project: Is It the Spark That Can Ignite Movements Around the World?
- Nov/Dec: Movements Make All The Difference In The World
- Jan/Feb: Women Engaged in Church-Planting Movements Among UPGs
- Mar/Apr: Sending-Base Movements: Equipping Local Churches to Reach Their Communities and the Nations
- May/Jun: Getting to No Place Left: Fostering Kingdom Movements Everywhere
- Jul/Aug: International Students: Planting the Seeds of Movements
- Sep/Oct:Dependency—The Crippler of People and Movements
Nov/Dec: 40 Years of the USCWM/Frontier Ventures and the Unreached Peoples Movement2014
- May/Jun: Equipping the People of God for the Mission of God: How Are We Doing?
- Jul/Aug: A Historic Wind is Blowing Through the House of Islam
- Nov/Dec: Unleashing the Gospel Through Storytelling
- Jul/Aug: Do We Need to Change the Way We Do Church to Reach the Unreached?
- Sep/Oct: Simple Churches: Dramatic Transformations